2. Based upon your reading for week number four concerning ethnomethodology, please address the following: 1) summarize in a concise paragraph the basic tenets that underpin the ethnomethodology viewpoint; 2) explain and give an example of how documentary interpretation explains every day social life; and 3) explain in detail why conversation analysis is considered to be a part of ethnomethodology. And now on to ethnomethodology. As I stated above, ethnomethodology literally means the study of the methods people use to accomplish their everyday lives or we can say it is the study of the methods people use to order their social world. Or we can say it is the study of how people go about creating a sense of order in the social world. The basic premise of ethnomethodology is people do what they do, right there and then, to be reasonable and effective and they do so for practical reasons and under the unavoidably local conditions of knowledge, action, and material resources. Whew! Like phenomenology, ethnomethodology is concerned with how individuals make sense of their everyday circumstances. The main difference between them is that phenomenology has been deeply influenced by psychology while ethnomethodology is resolutely sociology. However, ethnomethodology is very different from traditional sociological theory in that it does not analyze society, but rather the procedures/methods through which people produce social order. Harold Garfinkel has been a central figure in ethnomethodology and is fun theorist to study. His method of identifying the building blocks of everyday interaction was to formulate experiments that disrupt normal procedures in an attempt to expose those procedures. He called this method: breaching experiments. From Segre, Sandro. Contemporary Sociological Thinkers and Theories, Taylor and Francis, 2014.http://ebookcentral.proquest.com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/lib/apus/detail.action?docID=1808762) Chapter 3: Ethnomethodology, pp. 39-54