Collaboration and Communication – Historical Review Outline

Statement of the Problem

Despite the recognized significance of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) in providing tailored support for students with disabilities, teachers encounter obstacles and challenges in the process of implementing these personalized educational plans.

A critical gap exists in our understanding of the specific challenges that teachers encounter when striving to implement IEPs for students with disabilities, limiting the potential for improved outcomes in special education.

The practical difficulties faced by teachers in realizing the goals of IEPs for students with disabilities remain underexplored, impeding the refinement of educational strategies tailored to diverse learning needs (Rashid & Wong, 2022).

Collaboration is deemed a crucial component in the successful implementation of IEPs (Kozikoğlu & Albayrak, 2022). Among the team, the special education teacher emerges as the most pivotal figure, playing a significant role in fostering positive relationships with all stakeholders.

Research Question

What challenges do teachers face in fostering successful implementation of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities?

Presentation of the Research Findings

a) Educators encounter challenges throughout the planning and implementation phases of IEPs (Kozikoğlu & Albayrak, 2022).

b) Insufficient knowledge among teachers.

  • Teachers have little understanding of the concept of IEP.
  • Many Teachers are not able to identify the ability levels of students with disabilities, for example, Down Syndrome. This unawareness can make teachers ignore special needs students (Rashid & Wong, 2022).
  • Many teachers lack knowledge on the types of assessment criteria and instruments to employ when assessing students with disabilities (Kozikoğlu & Albayrak, 2022).

c) Why do teachers portray a negative attitude towards IEPs?

  • Teachers cite poor motivation as a reason they do not feel enthusiastic about the program.
  • Low confidence among teachers as they are not well equipped to execute IEPs makes them view the program negatively (Rashid & Wong, 2022).
  • Some teachers possess a negative attitude towards collaboration, a key aspect of implementing IEPs (Rashid & Wong, 2022).

Biblical Worldview/ Discussion

  1. The concept of collaboration and shared responsibility in IEPs finds resonance in the biblical principles of unity and working together for a common purpose as emphasized in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 (NIV Bible, 2011).
  2. Servant leadership is stressed by Jesus in Mark 10:45. Hence, teachers should approach their roles with humility and a willingness to serve, shun negative attitudes, and champion positive relationships that contribute to the effective implementation of IEPs (NIV Bible, 2011).
  3. Structured programs aligned with the latest educational research addressing specific teacher needs are necessary to effectively prepare and equip teachers with the necessary skills for the implementation of IEPs.
  4. Collaborative learning communities within schools can offer platforms for teachers to exchange experiences and strategies rooted in research, fostering a culture of continuous learning.
  5. Access to current educational research through subscriptions, online databases, and partnerships ensures teachers stay informed.
  6. Mentorship programs facilitate practical application, while workshops led by experts cover research-based practices and instructional techniques (Kozikoğlu & Albayrak, 2022).
  7. Technology integration, reflective practices, and alignment with curriculum standards are pivotal in contributing to a supportive environment


In summary, this research highlights the challenges teachers face in implementing Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) for students with disabilities. Recognizing these obstacles is crucial for improving outcomes in special education. From a biblical perspective, collaboration and servant leadership align with addressing these challenges. To effectively equip teachers, a comprehensive professional development approach is essential, integrating research-based practices and fostering supportive environments. By addressing these challenges, educators can play a pivotal role in ensuring the successful implementation of IEPs, positively impacting the educational experiences of students with disabilities.


Kozikoğlu, İ., & Albayrak, E. N. (2022). Teachers’ attitudes and the challenges they experience concerning individualized education program (IEP): A mixed method study. Participatory Educational Research, 9(1), 98–115.

NIV Bible. (2011). Zondervan Pub. House.

Rashid, S. M. M., & Wong, M. T. (2022). Challenges of Implementing the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for Special Needs Children with Learning Disabilities: Systematic Literature Review (SLR). International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 22(1), 15–34.


Later in the course, you will complete the Collaboration and Communication: Historical Review Assignment, a research paper where you will examine a relevant topic in the field of special education. This research paper will serve two purposes: to explore in more depth a topic in the field of special education that you find interesting, and; to practice academic writing at the doctoral level, which will help better prepare you to complete your dissertation.

Collaboration and Communication - Historical Review Outline

Collaboration and Communication – Historical Review Outline

To help you think through your paper, to make sure your paper is based on the research you are finding in the academic literature, and to make sure the construction of your paper makes sense, you will first complete the Collaboration and Communication: Historical Review Outline Assignment.


Develop a research question, narrowed to investigate a particular topic/issue addressing a current educational challenge related to special education with a focus on collaboration or communication. Submit your research question/topic and a detailed outline.

Research question details: In developing a research question, be sure to do a thorough review of your chosen topic. Pay particular attention to the historical context of this topic. As you review the research, what questions come to mind? Questions such as why, what, when, and how are good starting places. Develop a research question/topic that can be answered by your research.

Outline details: Once you have a research question, you will develop an outline. The outline should include the sections found below. Please do not use this wording as headings in your actual paper, but use them when developing the outline. This is the general outline that almost all research articles follow and that you will generally follow when writing your dissertation.

  1. Statement of the problem: Why should the reader care about your research question?
    1. Present data to support why your topic is important.
    2. For example, you could say, “Students identified with EBD are far more likely to be unemployed, have poor social connections, and end up incarcerated after graduation (CITE, 2020). Therefore it is important to understand how best to prepare students with EBD for their transition from school to post-school life.”
  2. State the research question: This should be a clear one-sentence statement of what question you are seeking to answer in your paper.
    1. This question should be logically connected to your statement of the problem, with the information provided later in the paper.
    2. You can pick a general topic you are interested in, but your specific research question should be guided by the journal articles you read.
    3. The research question is usually placed as the concluding sentence of your introduction paragraphs where you state the problem.
  3. Present the research you find
    1. How has this issue developed over time?
    2. How does this issue relate to collaboration/communication?
    3. Present actual data and results from research studies to support your narrative
    4. This will be the longest section of the paper and what is in this section will be determined by your topic. For example, if you are researching effective methods of early reading instruction you could include the following sections. Due to the length of the assignment, each of these sections may be limited to a paragraph or two.
      1. What is involved in learning to read?
      2. Why do some students struggle to read?
  • What methods have been used to teach reading throughout the history of SPED?
  1. What methods have the most research support? Provide descriptions of some research studies’ research questions, methods, and findings.
  2. If we know this method is effective, how do we help teachers implement this in the classroom? (i.e., collaboration)
  1. Discussion/Biblical Worldview
  2. Conclusion