Question 1: Compare Goldfarb et al.’s (2011) Experiment 1 with the experiment that we conducted. [8 marks]

a) Describe their aim, method, and results.

b) The way in which they analysed their data was different to the way that we analysed our data. What was this difference (hint: it is not the statistical test that they used)? Why did the look at their data in this way? What did it show and how did they interpret this finding?

Question 2: Describe Goldfarb et al.’s (2011) Experiment 2. [5 marks]

a) Describe their aim, method, results, and implication.

Question 3: Describe Goldfarb et al.’s (2011) Experiment 3. [13 marks]

a) Describe the aim, method, results, and implication.

b) Include their rationale for adding neutral trials as well as using three different versions of the social questionnaire priming manipulation.

Question 4: Using our experiment as a baseline, how have Goldfarb et al. (2011) extended what we know about using a social priming task to eliminate the Stroop Effect? [3 marks]

Overall: Writing style, spelling and grammar [1 mark]


It is extremely important that you use YOUR OWN WORDS to demonstrate your understanding in your answers to these questions. Do not cut and paste information from the Goldfarb et al. (2011) paper into your assignment.