BPM owes its origins early management scientists, such as Frederick Taylor, who conducted time-motion studies and applied quantitative analysis to reduce waste in manufacturing. Taylors studies placed an emphasis on process rather than output and led to the emergence of process thinking approaches such as Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Lean. In the 1980s, with increased pressure from foreign competitors, many businesses joined the quality movement using approaches such as Total Quality Management (TQM), Six Sigma, International Standards Organization (ISO), Kaizen, and Blitz. Optimization and efficiency approaches such as Theory of Constraints (TOC) and Agile followed. Automation played a large part in the implementation of these methods and tools. All of these components started to merge to bring business processes more to the thinking of management, and the term Business Process Management was coined (Jeston, 2018). For this Discussion, read the article Towards an Integration of the Lean Enterprise System, Total Quality Management, Six Sigma and Related Enterprise Process Improvement Methods. In the article, the author discusses six enterprise process improvement methods. Use this article as the basis for the Discussion. Research and include at least one additional resource to support your response: Choose three of the methods from the article. Describe each one. Compare the similarities and differences, including their main concepts, origins, goals, tools, and compatibility. What are the benefits of using each method? What are the challenges? Share your own experience with these methods or discuss which method(s) might be most appropriate to use in your own organization.