Discuss the History of Western Art and Civilization, Renaissance to Modern Era.
1 Alice Smith, Art History (Boston: Academic Book Publisher, 2018), pp. 23–24.
For a journal article:
2 Robert Smith, “The Medici as Patrons of Art,” Art History Magazine 36 (1997): 23.
For a website:
3 James David Draper, “Donatello (ca. 1386–1466),” Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History,
If there is no website author, use the sponsor of the site, e.g., Metropolitan Museum of Art
For an encyclopedia or dictionary:
4 Encyclopaedia Britannica, 15th edition, “Brunelleschi.”
A bibliography of works cited must appear at the very end of your paper. Sources must be listed alphabetically
by authors’ last names. When a bibliography entry is longer than one line, subsequent lines must be
indented a half-inch, like this paragraph (a “hanging” indent).
This is how your bibliography must be formatted for different sources. Authors are listed last name first, in
alphabetical order. Pay close attention to how the punctuation and name order is different from footnotes.
For a book:
Smith, Alice. Art History. Boston: Academic Book Publisher, 2018.
For a journal article:
Smith, Robert. “The Medici as Patrons of Art.” Art History Magazine 36 (1997): 20–35.
(note that for a journal article in the bibliography, you list the page range for the entire article)
For a website:
Draper, James David. “Donatello (ca. 1386–1466).” Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History.
Encyclopedias and dictionaries are not included in the bibliography.