Examine the evolution of the American sitcom form from 1950 up to and including the present day. These examinations should focus on the structure and content of the sitcoms through each decade. In addition to the sitcoms that are listed below, feel free to include others if you wish. Focus on aspects like the roles men and women played and how they’ve changed. Focus on the topics covered in the episodes and how the topics covered have developed over time. The way family’s and their dynamics have evolved. How the decades affected the plot lines.
Grab some popcorn and watch some episodes if you aren’t familiar. They are great shows
(In chronological order)

I Love Lucy https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6q45ce
Amos and Andy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXlNngBfZAY
The Honeymooners Young at heart episode
Leave it to Beaver
Mr. Ed https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x60rwhy
All in the Family
Family Ties
Golden Girls
Everybody Loves Raymond
Sex and the City
Curb Your Enthusiasm