1. Consider one obviously immoral action and one obviously permissible action- Explain how Golden Rule ethics would arrive at an evaluation regarding those actions generally (i.e. KITA need not be applied). Answer so as to show understanding of the fundamentals of the system. 2. Apply KITA to the two actions selected above, demonstrating what ethical verdict it would render and how. 3. Now answer the same question as (1) except using virtue ethics. 4. Now select a controversial ethical issue, and answer how both Golden Rule ethics and Aristotelean virtue ethics would evaluate it. Be thorough and specific. 5. Compare and contrast Golden Rule ethics and Aristotelean virtue ethics based on the results of questions 1-4, as well as the central assumptions of each system. Cumulative Questions. Answer the following in 500-1000 words each (suggested depth) Grades will be assigned on accuracy, clarity, depth, understanding, and insight. Answers must use material from multiple units for a passing grade. [25 points each] 1. What seems like the best approach to ethics? Defend your answer using material from the course. Be sure to address all the major potential sources of value discussed in the course (supernatural, consequences, deontological, and virtue) and obvious problems that have been raised. (For instance, you cannot defend divine command theory without addressing the Euthyphro Dilemma) 2. What value is there in approaching ethics systematically? (i.e. what value is there in studying ethics formally?) Where these values achieved in this course? Why or why not? (an answer of “no” is not penalized as long as it is justified)