What have you learned in the career development process?
What new skills have you learned as a result of HUMN 300 class?
Describe 3 ways that you are better prepared to enter your future career?
What are your future career plans in the next 6 months?
Where do you see yourself professionally in the next 5 years?
What are your career-related strengths? Weaknesses?
What are 3 unique skills do you have that you will bring to your future career?
Considering the pandemic we are all experiencing and your changes in work (or loss of a job), how do you handle challenges in the workplace?
Briefly describe 3 ways that you manage stress in a healthy manner
What is your Career Development Plan to accomplish your career goals?
Course Objectives – Students will:
1. Develop cognitive and professional career development skills to become well-rounded individuals understanding their importance within diverse social and cultural environments and communities
2. Explore the importance of choosing careers based on interests, skills, values, personality, culture, and apply principles of effective career decision making to various occupations
3. Develop lifelong skills associated with career decision making and job search process, integrate personal, professional, and social aspects of life, and set realistic occupational/educational goals
4. Apply career development theory by taking career assessments and researching occupations through informational interviewing and available resources
5. Identify career barriers, discrimination in the workplace, and techniques for overcoming barriers
6. Develop a strategic career and personal marketing plan incorporating multicultural competency
7. Recognize the importance of on-going professional career development throughout their career
GE: Lifelong Learning:
1. Identify and actively engage in behaviors conducive to individual health, well-being or development, and understand the value of maintaining these behaviors throughout their lifespan.
2. Identify and apply strategies leading to health, well-being or development for community members of diverse populations.
3. Apply the knowledge and skills of science and technology and evaluate how they impact individuals, the community and/or society
GE: Information Competency:
1. Determine the nature and extent of information needed.
2. Demonstrate effective search strategies for finding information using a variety of sources and methods.
3. Locate, retrieve and evaluate a variety of relevant information, including print and electronic formats.
4. Organize and synthesize information in order to communicate effectively.
5. Explain the legal and ethical dimensions of the use of information.
GE: Writing Intensive:
1. Develop and clearly define their ideas through writing.
2. Ethically integrate sources of various kinds into their writing.
3. Compose texts through drafting, revising and completing a finished product.
4. Express themselves through their writing by posing questions, making original claims and coherently structuring complex ideas.
5. Revise their writing for greater cogency and clarity.
6. Utilize adopted communication modes and documentation styles of specific disciplines