Part A: Network Assessment Your network assessment should compile, update, and synthesize the information that you have about the network. It should include details of the current usage and configuration (media, devices, addressing, and communications) for the network. Network Assessment Guidelines Identify the primary types of media employed. Be sure to include both how the computers individually connect into the network devices as well as how network devices interconnect and how the connection to the Internet is achieved. Briefly explain the purpose in the network of each type of media employed. Identify at least two specific points where you think noise or other signal integrity issues may be impacting the infrastructure. For each, identify at least one appropriate strategy for error prevention to address the issue. Identify all network devices utilized, describe them, and explain the purpose of each in the network. Identify all items (peripheral devices, data, applications, access points, etc.) being shared by users on the network. Explain how each is shared. Identify the connection to the Internet WAN. Identify the media, devices, and service providers involved in establishing this connection. Describe what protocols/services are being implemented over this connection. Identify the forms of security utilized. Be sure to consider physical as well as electronic security. For electronic security, be sure to include items like virus checks, firewalls, and encryption protocols employed in addition to any access controls. Explain how each helps to secure the network. Part B: Problem/Solution Table Your problem solution table should highlight the major deficiencies with the current network and provide a concise solution for each. Include future considerations in relation to the New Network Needs Section of the scenario in problem/solution format. Especially consider all aspects of security for the network and infrastructure. Part C: Proposal Document The proposal should address the problems or deficiencies identified in the network assessment and should meet the specific, assessable project goals. The proposal should contain the following sections. Project Justification Explain why this project is important for best meeting user needs. Be sure to explain why the current infrastructure is inadequate to meet the user needs in addition to explaining the needs and their importance in general. Project Goals Be sure that each of your goals is specific. Explain how each relates to the overall need. Explain the success criteria for identifying if the goal is met. Considerations List factors such as cost, compatibility with other parts of the network infrastructure, availability of resources, usability, long-term supportability, etc. which will play into choosing the best solutions to meet each goal. Explain each factor and what limitations it presents. Goal 1 Options Based on the infrastructure options that have been discussed in class, describe at least three possible options for meeting the first project goal. Include advantages and disadvantages of each, and relate these advantages to the goal itself and to the other considerations identified. Goal 1 Proposed Solution Explain what option you recommend for goal 1 and explain why. Repeat the Options and Proposed Solution for all goals. (Include at Least 3) Solution Summary Briefly describe how the solutions for each of the goals fit together with one another and how they fit into the overall infrastructure. Also provide a cost estimate and project schedule estimate for implementing all of these solutions. Impact Describe how this infrastructure change will impact the network infrastructure overall as it relates to all user needs not just to the need specifically addressed by the goals of this project. Are there any additional benefits? Are there any areas where functionality is impaired or other issues may arise?