Dear writer:

Course name: Individual mind and behaviour development

1. Systematic Review Topic

The topic for the systematic review is whether retrieval practice is effective for helping learners prepare for tests and exams. In your review, you should examine psychological research which has evaluated retrieval practice and the testing effect on test anxiety. The primary outcome measure is reductions in test-specific anxiety. You also need to include at least one secondary outcome measure, such as improvement in test performance, or increased false retrieval rates. It is up to you to decide which secondary outcome measure is most relevant to your review, and you should be aware that your chosen secondary outcome measure may not be, and does not need to be, specified in all articles included in your review. If your chosen secondary outcome measure is absent in certain articles, indicate this in your review.

2. Task

A systematic literature review is a document that sits somewhere between an empirical study and a narrative literature review, in that it doesn’t collect new data, but it does take a very structured, and rigorously documented approach to aggregating and describing what already exists.

A systematic review only includes primary sources of information, meaning you should only include original, peer reviewed research studies conducted by the research team in your review of relevant article. Your systematic review should not include already existing systematic reviews or meta-analyses in its Results section, with these excluded from your primary articles during the searching and screening phase of your review. However, any existing systematic reviews or meta-analyses that you locate during your search, which are relevant to your topic, can be described in your own review’s Introduction section to highlight the current state of the literature, and you may like to use the primary articles cited in relevant existing systematic reviews/meta analyses within your own systematic review, if not captured by your own search phrases.

While they are not always appropriate for answering some questions, they are an important tool in the modern researcher’s toolkit, as they can protect against “cherry-picking”, or selectively including and excluding parts of the literature to favour a conclusion. For example, rather than putting together an arbitrary selection of findings on the relationship between mindfulness and school performance, a systematic review on this topic might find every paper on this effect (or perhaps a bounded set, such as those published between 2008 and 2018).

This hopefully conveys both the utility of this skill, but also the fact that this can become a large and exhausting task. The review you will conduct within this assignment will be as ecologically valid as possible but will have scope conditions on it to make it feasible for you to do it in a reasonable amount of time.

3. the detailed guideline and Structure have attached.

4. the Example paper has attached as well.

5.Reference as many as you need, no limitations.

6.1800 words (10% leeway)