Reflections on Professional Nursing- Insights from an UMSON Alum Interview

The evolution of nursing as a caring discipline and the roles of nurses in patients remains evident in professional nursing. Modern nurses, unlike traditional nurses, are more involved in robust aspects of healthcare and are increasingly engulfed in health promotion activities and patient advocacy. The paradigm shifts in nursing are evident in the divergence in human caring perspectives across multi-generational nurses (Jackson et al., 2022). This paper reports an interview with a UMSON alumni. The interviewed person is an emergency room nurse. The interview will detail the nurse’s perceptions and experiences in the nursing profession and the healthcare field in their entirety, as well as highlight pertinent issues within the nursing profession.

Entry-Level Nursing Education

The interviewed emergency room nurse has a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) from UMSON. Her educational journey epitomizes hard work, resilience, and passion. Growing up in a large family, she fell in love with nursing at a young age. Her decision to pursue a career in nursing was informed, in part, by the caring gap she observed as a teenager growing up in a neighborhood composed predominantly of ethnic minority groups. At UMSON, she acquired the prerequisite nursing skills and theoretical nursing knowledge that laid the groundwork for her professional nursing career.

She recounted her education journey to be a tough one as she had to juggle between her classwork and doing informal jobs to cater for her upkeep. She attributed her excellence in academic nursing and the NCLEX examination to proper planning, dedication, and hard work. She noted that she had to prepare in advance for her examinations and used diverse reading materials to overcome both internal examinations and the NCLEX exam.


Jackson, J., Maben, J., & Anderson, J. E. (2022). What are nurses’ roles in modern healthcare? A qualitative interview study using interpretive description. Journal of Research in Nursing27(6), 504–516.

In this assignment, you will be assigned a UMSON alum to interview. After the interview, you will write a paper explaining and reflecting on your experiences as a professional nurse.

Reflections on Professional Nursing- Insights from an UMSON Alum Interview

Reflections on Professional Nursing- Insights from an UMSON Alum Interview

This is a 6–8-page APA-formatted scholarly paper, not a transcript of the interview.