Review the National Council State Board of Nursing (Links to an external site.) website and answer the following questions (1-6):

1. What is the purpose of this organization?

2. How/ why is this organization important to the nursing profession?

3. Identify two (2) items on the website that you would find helpful as a students and state your rationale for each.

4. What are three (3) major activities for a state board of nursing (Look at Nursing Regulation)?

5. What does the state in which you plan to practice have in place for a nurse that has a Substance Use Disorder (SUD)? (Go to Membership then Contact a U.S. Member to see the State in which you will practice. Click on the state then click on visit member website.)

6. Please identify one item that the State Board of Nursing, in the state in which you will be practicing, is working on or reforming this year. Have they put out any new statements or practice policies? Any new changes in law regarding the nursing practice? (Go to Membership then Contact a U.S. Member to see the State in which you will practice. Click on the state then click on visit member website)

7. What is the purpose of this organization?

8. How/ why is this organization important to the nursing profession?

9. Identify two (2) items on the website that you would find helpful as a students and state your rationale for each.

10. Choose one (1) of the Official ANA Position Statements that interest you and write a sentence summary of the position.