1. Microsoft Word 2016 has many new and improved functions. What do you think is the most beneficial function in Word 2016? Explain why, and give a brief description of how this will help you.

2. What do you believe is your favorite editing feature that you will use on a regular basis? Explain why, and give a brief description of how this will aid in your success.

3. Microsoft Excel 2016 has many new and improved functions. What do you think is the most beneficial function in Excel 2016? Explain why, and give a brief description of how this will help you.

4. After learning the more advanced features of Excel, what is your favorite graphics or tables feature, and how will you utilize this feature in the future? Explain how this new feature might aid in your success.

5. Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 has many new and improved features. What do you think is the most beneficial feature in PowerPoint 2016? Explain why, and give a brief description of how this might help you.