Reading Read and annotate the short story A Very Short Story, from Ernest Hemingways short story collection titled In Our Time, 1925. This story and four others in the collection focus on WWI and the whole collection features themes of loss, grief, alienation and separation. Preparation for Writing 1.List two literary elements that you find interesting in Ernest Hemingways A Very Short Story. Quote or paraphrase a few words or phrases from the story to identify the exact moments in the text that show the literary elements at work. Explain in one or two sentences why these elements are compelling to you. Write a sentence stating the theme of the story. Explain how the two literary elements you selected establish the storys theme (one or two sentences). 2. Locate one or two secondary sources thata. discusses Ernest Hemingways A Very Short Story, and the literary elements that you wrote down. The Writing1. Intro paragraph should. a. introduce the author and his work. b. provide a brief summary of A Very Short Story c. state the theme of the story 2. Body paragraph #1 should A)identify the first literary element you selected, explain how it is used in the story and what it reveals or highlights 3. Body paragraph #2 should a. Identify the second literary element you selected, explain how it is used in the story and what it reveals or highlights. 4. Body paragraph #3 should a. briefly summarize how the outside source discusses these elements 3. Body paragraph #4 should a. Explain how the theme of the story is developed b. Explain what the outside source says about the storys themes (you can compare to the other Hemingway story we read Hills Like White Elephants) 4. Conclusion — your final thoughts about the story, the themes and Hemingways writing (you can compare to the other Hemingway story we read Hills Like White Elephants)